Procurement service

Replacement parts for hydraulics. We guarantee that we can supply you with the right product from over 100,000 items in stock

Time is money. And the correct selection and procurement of spare parts often takes up valuable time. Our procurement service saves you the time spent laboriously researching, meaning that you can dedicate your attention to more important things again. And if you need things to move especially quickly at any time: we can supply the parts you need as early as the next day with our overnight service.

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The advantages of the HSR procurement service for you

Qualified expert advise

Service & quality

We have top-level training and certification, provide you with expert specialist advice and work together to find the best solution.

Save time and money

Full service package

We take care of everything, from identifying the part you need to procuring it. Use your time more wisely.

Fast availability even overnight

Express service

When you need things to move quickly we can provide the parts you need on the next working day!

Huge product selection of renowned manufacturers

Large stock

We procure the right product for you. Our central warehouse stocks over 100,000 items.

Over 100,000 products by renowned manufacturers in our central warehouse

At our central warehouse, we have over 100,000 components and hoses that are available in a short space of time. Sounds like a lot? Well, it is. Our qualified employees are trained in how to find the right part for you out of this large selection. Regardless of whether you require nipples, fittings, hoses or accessories, we have numerous different components in all product groups.

Our product site shows only a small overview of all products we have in stock. So even if you don´t find the right product on our website, don´t hesitate to contact us. Our procurement service will gladly help you to find the perfect product for your need.

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